The Deep Memory Process DMP training is sturctured to enable participants to learn how to work with clients using regression therapy to work with clients on childhood/adulthood issues from the current lifetime or from any soul wounds.
Each module teaches particular skills and builds on the first module which is the foundation of practicle methods of how to guide a DMP session. The 4 modules each focus on particular stages of the process so that participants can gain confidence, practice and theory. To become a full credited Deep Memory Process practitioner participants would need to complete all requirements of the 4 modules to gain Deep Memory Process certification. There is also a certificate if particpants attend the first 2 modules only, see details below.
1 Attendance on Modules 1 & 2 Basic Level - Core Emotional Release & Working with Spirit and Transition
2 Personal reviews of your training development with your trainer(s)
4 Completion of student record sheet
5 Facilitated Practice weekend supervised swaps (dependant on distance and location)
6 Practice sessions with other students 4 sessions - (4 as guide and 4 as client)
7 Personal therapy 3 sessions using DMP from a Graduate Practitioner
8 Presentation of 2 case studies of work with clients
9 Required Reading for DMP Training list of required books and articles to be read for completion of the training
10 A minimun of 2 supervised cases presented to your trainer. This is designed for you to discuss areas of difficulty and further questions that arise outside of workshops in your client or practice work. (extra cost paid directly to your supervisor)
11 Refresher courses with designated trainers will need to be taken every 3 years after graduation to keep abreast with new developments in DMP. Failing to do Refreshers will be listed as “inactive” on the website Practitioners List.
A certificate in Basic Past Life Therapy is offered after completion of these first two modules.
Professionals that wish to receive full certification in Deep Memory Process must attend a further two modules and other requirements.
*please note the following requirements are in addition to the Basic Level requirements.
- Attendance to all four modules. These must comprise two Basic modules and two Advanced modules
- Personal reviews of your training development with your trainer(s) To help you with your progress and as a way of integrating the training on all levels there will be personal reviews at the end of each module to offer suggestions and recommendations of ways to develop your practice both personally and professionally.
- A minimum of 8 swaps (i.e. 8 guiding a session and 8 as the client) with other DMP trainees spread over the four modules.
- Personal therapy 6 sessions using DMP with a DMP graduate; a minimum of six 2 hr DMP sessions with an agreed DMP practitioner, equally spread over the duration of the four training Modules.5. Required Reading for DMP Training list of required books and articles to be read for completion of the training
- 2 to 4 days of facilitated supervised practice ( these can be arrange with a designated trainer to run over weekends, though we understand this may not always be possible due to distance and location, we urge you to try)
- Eight Hours of Supervision of Professional client Cases using DMP
There are four options available:
- Supervision workshop with an appointed trainer in the programme.
- one to one supervision with a designated trainer.
- telephone supervision with designated trainer.
- Group supervision
Case Presentation for Graduation: To graduate a trainee must submit:
A completed Student Record Sheet listing all Practice swaps and facilitated practice (where possible), personal reviews and supervision requirements as well as any personal DMP therapy.
B After the first two modules, two case studies are required to be able to progress to the advanced modules.
C A final or “graduating” case on completion of all 4 (or 6) Modules. This case should be selected from the candidate’s ongoing psychotherapy practice with at least 5 or 6 clients with whom they are using DMP. The case presented should be representative of his or her success in using DMP therapeutically in a clinical context. Ideally this case may be presented orally (from notes) during a supervision workshop. When this is not possible the case may be submitted in written form (guidelines for written case reports are available on request.)
10. Refresher courses with designated trainers will need to be taken every 3 years after graduation to keep abreast with new developments in DMP. Graduates failing to do Refreshers will be listed as “inactive” on the website Practitioners List.
Certification as a Practitioner of Deep Memory Process
Upon fulfilment of the requirements for certification the graduate will receive a diploma certifying him or her as a competent practitioner of Deep Memory Process: Each graduate of the programme will be entitled to:
Listing as a Certified Practitioner on
Referral of Clients through Woolger Training International.
Encouraged to run 1 or 2 day introductions to DMP, a pack of information, materials will be provided.
Discounted rates at any training modules taken as refresher courses.
Participation at all meetings, workshops or gatherings offered exclusively to graduates of the programme.