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Death, Transition and the Spirit Realms: Insights from Past-Life Therapy and Tibetan Buddhism by Roger Woolger PhD
I have worked with a number of people who have clinically died in this lifetime then returned to earth. They usually remember it as a decision, and often the common element is that in the out of body state they are shown the beings on earth that they are connected with. Then they are shown the ancestors or the spirits of members of family who have already died and they are asked to make a choice of who they want be with. I remember one case where a woman with a one-year-old son had aphasia from a pulmonary embolism and died on the operating table. The infection had actually been caused by an abortion, which she had earlier. She saw the spirit of the dead child in the other world and she also saw the one-year-old son on the earth. A guide told her she would have to choose whether she wanted to be with the living or the dead. She chose to come back to earth to be with her one-year-old son…...
Past Life Therapy, Trauma Release and the Body by Roger Woolger PhD
In line with the more physical releases sought by Wilhelm Reich, past life therapy very frequently brings about the spontaneous dissolving of bodily armoring and the recovery of blocked physical libido. Indeed, a striking aspect of much past -life therapy, when seen for the first time by an observer, is the obvious physical involvement of the client in the story that is being relived. In many sessions the client doesn’t just sit or lie passively recounting an inner vision of a past life with his or her eyes closed. Instead, he or she may be subject to the most dramatic convulsions, contortions, heavings, and thrashings imaginable. One client may clutch his chest in apparent pain as he recounts a sword wound, another may turn almost blue during a choking fit as she remembers a strangulation, while yet another may become rigidly fixed with arms above the head as he remembers being tied to a post during torture.......
What Happens After Death: Navigating the Bardos by Roger Woolger PhD
A past life therapist learns to become a kind of shamanic guide between different realities as he or she works. And like any travel guide he or she knows where to take short cuts and how to get quickly out of dead ends or stuck places. In fact there are so many similarities between guided and unguided journeys through these realms beyond death and out of the body that it is totally appropriate to talk of a common psycho-
Beyond Death: Understanding the Afterlife by Roger Woolger PhD
What I want to show is that there is a vast amount of information about the phenomena of death, transition and “otherworlds” available to us that is much more sophisticated that most people realize. Not just the widely known studies of Kenneth Ring and Raymond Moody on actual Near Death Experiences, but detailed cross cultural comparisons of how different cultures experience and envision the afterlife, reports from shamans of “journeys” to the spirit realms, or realms of the dead, elaborate accounts of the soul’s port-
The Presence of Other Worlds in Psychotherapy and Healing by Roger Woolger PhD
No matter how ingenious the theories of physics and biology, as long as such disciplines fail to find ways to acknowledge those higher dimensions that are not of time and space and which transcend and subsume the physical realm, physical science will never fully embrace and become fruitfully united with meta-
How is it possible to remember Past Lives? A Reply to the Sceptics by Roger Woolger PhD
The imagination is one of the great unsolved mysteries of our time. I believe that in its higher form (as opposed to fantasy, its lower or ego related form) imagination is the bridge to the transpersonal realities of the soul, that transcendent part of the personality we have called the Self. This other level of reality is sometimes called the subtle world, or the spirit world. Platonism, Hinduism and Buddhism, all of which subscribe to the idea of the transmigration of the soul, called it the intermediary world, a reality midway between this and the world of pure light. In Tibetan Buddhism this “in between” is called a bardo,
The Secret History of Reincarnation by Roger Woolger PhD
Not long ago, I saw a slogan on a bumper sticker: Reincarnation is having a comeback. It’s a sad fact that the scientific establishment in the United States still marginalizes most work that even hints at realities beyond our own, including regression therapy, parapsychology, and a vast body of research into paranormal phenomena, from out-
Embodied Spirituality - by Juanita Puddifoot transpersonal counsellor, international DMP trainer & Biggi Hofmann psychodrama psychotherapist & DMP therapist.
Embodied Spirituality - a psycho-spiritual approach to healing trauma. We decided to write this article after inspiring explorations of similarities and differences in the methods of Deep Memory Process (DMP) and psychodrama psychotherapy, and how both approaches use spirituality to support and enable clients in processing their traumas. (This article first appeared in the July 2018 issue of Thresholds, published by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy United Kingdom.©)