Woolger Council



The Woolger Council

The aim of the Woolger Counsil is to preserve Roger Woolger's legacy, not only for its value to the world, but for his family and the future of Deep Memory Process and Ancestral Field Work so that his work may continue to grow and flourish. Following Roger's wish there is an overseeing council of ‘Regional Chief Trainers’ who will follow his desire for his work to continue under one umbrella this is to ensure the health and quality of ongoing training's and other work taken on behalf of Roger's body of work.

Roger Woolger’s material is under copyright so for all enquiries about permission for reproduction of any written, video or audio material please contact the Woolger Council via the contact page.

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Europe, Middle East, Africa
Juanita Puddifoot
tel (44) (0)1234 350313


USA, Canada, Asia, Far East
Patricia Walsh
tel 001-845-255-0515

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Brasil, Latin America
Marco Andre Schwarzstein
(55) 61-9975-5969