Woolger Training ethics and guidelines

Deep Memory Process logo of International school for regression therapyWoolger Training International Ethical Framework


  1. Working with clients

1a.Students of DMP are invited to start working with clients after the second module. Students, including already qualified therapists in other methods, of DMP are required to inform all clients that they work with using DMP, that they are currently in training of DMP and at this time are not qualified as a DMP practitioner. We also recommend that this be reflected in fees charged.

1b.An initial discussion will be undertaken with clients who wish to receive Deep Memory Process DMP :- to clarify the arrangements eg. times, date and costs to client, cancellation policy and confidentiality, whether the DMP practitioner is still a student (stating where in the training programme) or a graduate.

1c.Clients need to be made aware before a DMP session is arranged that the DMP practitioner during the initial assessment may feel that DMP is not suitable and this needs to be discussed with the client.

1d. If other therapies are used with the client and not DMP, this arrangement is purely between the client and practitioner and the client needs to be made aware of this. When other therapies are used, Woolger Training International are not the body to contact by either party if there are any complaints or difficulties.

1e. Waiver forms for DMP sessions are available for practitioners to use that outlines their training, what modalities DMP employs and the clients agreement that they have no existing mental or physical conditions that would endanger them by engaging in cathartic work. Waivers must be adapted to local laws by the practitioner.

1f. The practitioner will provide to the client any information about qualifications, information about Woolger Training International and the main web site for further information www.deepmemoryprocess.com  On the web site there is a you tube clip on ‘what to expect in a session’ and written examples of a client session.

1g. Good practice involves clarifying and agreeing the rights and responsibilities of both the practitioner and client at appropriate points during the working relationship.

  1. Confidentiality

2a.Respecting client confidentiality is a fundamental requirement for keeping trust. Practitioners need to inform clients that their sessions might be discussed in supervision though names will be removed and that examples of DMP sessions might be used by trainers for teaching examples, but no individuals names or identifiable details of their current life  will used and their details will remain anonymous. When cases are used in publications clients will be contacted for their written permission.

  1. Record keeping

3a.Practitioners are advised to keep appropriate records of their work with clients unless there good and sufficient reasons for not keeping them. Any records should be kept securely and adequately protected from unauthorized intrusion and disclosure. Sessions are only recorded with the permission from the client and if the client requests after the session to withdraw this permission, this needs to be respected. Copies can be requested by clients.

4.Legal responsibilities

4a. Practitioners need to familiarize themselves with the legislation in which country they work and should take into account their responsibilities, the client’s rights. For example the UK has the law for data protection legislation. Practitioners should have knowledge of the countries various laws in relation to child protection, equality, disabilities, beliefs and cultural diversity.

4b. Clients should be informed of the parameters for disclosure before they access the service. Where appropriate, they should understand the consequences of disclosure. Where there is risk of harm to self or others such as where there is a serious alleged crime, where there is a legal requirement, eg protection of children where there is a significant threat to the health and safety of those within an organization.

  1. Supervision

5a.During the training, supervision is required for students when working with clients this is required to complete the DMP training. While students, the trainer will outline which individuals can provide client case supervision. General advice after graduation is a ratio of 1 hr supervision to every 10 sessions of client work. Supervision can only take place by individuals who have completed the DMP training and are authorized by the Woolger Council trainer responsible for the countries/areas training.

  1. Graduates authorized by Woolger Training International

6a. To be recognized as a graduate of DMP or Ancestral field work they need to adhere to the following framework:-

6b. Having completed the necessary training and other requirements a graduate of DMP can run 1 or 2 day introduction workshops but these are not recognized as authorized training courses, purely introductions which are to build your personal practice and/or encourage people to attend trainings by authorized trainers listed by the Woolger Training International council.

6c. No other association, organization or individual worldwide can give recognition to people to become practitioners or authorized trainers of DMP, other than Woolger Training International. If organizations, associations, graduates and/or authorized trainers breach the code of protocol for authorization to teach, these Individuals will be required to contact the Woolger Training International Council to discuss the matter.

6d. If after discussion it becomes apparent that graduates or trainers are not working within the Woolger Training International guidelines and there are breaches. If improvements are not possible then the Council reserves the right to withdraw approval of the right to practice as a DMP practitioner and/or authorized trainer. The person/s involved will need to desist from offering DMP sessions, or promoting themselves as such, desist from providing any teaching involving DMP and will agree not to use any material listed under the Woolger training format. All the person/s details related to DMP on the web site will be removed and if necessary a disclaimer concerning the organization/person/s will be advertised on the web site also legal proceedings may to taken against the organization, association or person/s.

  1. Grievances

7a.Woolger Training International defines ‘grievances’ suitable to be brought to the council as a breach of ethics and/or professional practice. We suggest that individuals in the first instance try to resolve the complaint by contacting directly the individual.

  1. Complaint Checklist

8a. In the first instance please try to discuss the complaint you have, directly with the person in question, eg. Client dissatisfied with a DMP practitioner, DMP student with another student/trainer/graduate.

8b. If contacting the individual/graduate does not resolve the issue then please send in a written complaint to the person in question. Then if this does not resolve the matter please contact your local Woolger authorized trainer. If you have a complaint against a local authrozied trainer please contact in writing the Woolger Council. www.deepmeoryprocess.com. The Woolger Council will endeavor to respond to acknowledge receiving the complaint as swiftly as possible.


8c.. Name the person against whom the complaint is lodged and is the person you are complaining about a student/ graduate or trainer member of Woolger Training International

8d.. Give details of how you have tried to resolve the matter with the practitioner, i.e. through direct contact, using mediation (or other service) If no attempt has been made to resolve the matter, give an explanation as to why this has not been possible. Copies of any correspondence relating to this matter should be attached to your complaint. 

8e.. Provide exact details of events that are the subject matter of the complaint, including times, names and details of witness, dates and places supported by as much evidence as possible, list what outcome you are seeking. It is useful to open with a summary of the situation before going into the exact details of your complaint. The complaint should be signed and dated.

8f.. A copy of the submitted complaint will be sent to all parties concerned. This complaint will then be discussed with all parties concerned to explore ways for resolution.

8g. At all times the Woolger DMP Council will make an effort to be balanced in the exploration of complaints. Some of the outcomes may be:- Take no action, Writing an apology, Proper explanation, Warning, Impose conditions, Suspend the membership for a period, Exclusion.

Permissions needed to use any of Roger Woolger’s materials /DMP articles etc.

All of Roger Woolger’s materials written, published or unpublished, audio and DVD are under copyright law and therefore can not be reproduced, used or uploaded onto any media (facebook, websites) without permission. Therefore any organizations, associations, individuals, graduates or trainers using these without permission will be open to legal proceedings. Eg. even the articles on the web site can not be copied or distributed without permission.